In A Jury of Her Peers, a short story by Susan Glaspell, portrays men as insensitive towards a women’s hardships. The men in this story also play the role as antagonist while the women are the protagonist. It is ironic when the men see the evidence in the kitchen as insignificant while the women find clues to help piece what had happened. Minnie one of the main characters killed her husband in self defense. The author also uses a strong image when the bird was killed because of its singing and Minnie’s husband had killed her will to sing. The women were able to piece the story together but decide to protect Minnie because Mrs. Hale felt guilty. Guilt is one of the themes of the story as well as that women should be valued.
This story made me angry at men. They are so ignorant that its comical. I would believe that this story caused some controversy when it was published, but it was a very well written story with a very unique plot.
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